We knew our time in Bahía de los Ángeles had to come to an end at some point, and we had a plane to catch at the end of October out of Loreto, so off …
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Jerry Loses a Bet, or A Year of Cruising in the Books

Yeah, so, when we were in the throes of prepping for our departure into the big blue yonder, my dearest and only brother, Jerry, bet that I wouldn’t make it a year away from family …
Continue readingBye-bye Bahía de los Ángeles

Wow. Is it fall already? How did that happen? Seems like yesterday we were contemplating how to beat the heat up in Bahía de los Ángeles and now, all of a sudden, we’re down south …
Continue readingLidia Oh Lidia – Updated!

We got our first taste of the storm season with Tropical Storm Lidia in late-August/early-September. The communication among cruisers in the Sea of Cortez relative to weather is impressive. There are a couple of radio …
Continue readingSummertime Hots – Sta Rosalía to BLA

Well, we’re midway through August already and the word amongst cruisers is that this summer is unseasonably cool compared to summers past – thankfully! We feel bad for S/V Adventurer who must have been in …
Continue readingHoly Chubasco…

…and our love affair with our ground tackle. Chubascos are a summer season weather phenomenon here in the Sea of Cortez (lucky us) that are associated with the monsoonal t-storm activity. These storm cells typically …
Continue reading“Chasing Summer” – La Paz to Santa Rosalía

Thanks, Jenn and Jas, for the tag line! It truly feels like that’s what we’re doing right now. Actually, it may be more accurate to say, “fleeing summer heat!” But beyond the heat, our little …
Continue readingTo the WCM Rally and Back Again

Photo credit: Lowell aboard S/V Gato Loco captured us under the pretty sail After our quick trip to Todos Santos, we had to beat feet to make it to the West Coast Multihulls (WCM) Baja …
Continue readingMore Repairs and a Fouled Anchor Rode

On the heels of the water tank repair came yet another water (read: life-blood)-related incident aboard FL. The watermaker was giving us fits, dropping production and showing erratic pressures (more on that below). Then, just when …
Continue readingThe Mainland Redux

We finally left La Cruz so we could start heading up into the Sea of Cortez, but not so fast. We wanted to revisit some of the places we’d been before on our little journey …
Continue readingBahía de Chamela

Welp, we knew our time on the Costalegre would have to come to an end eventually (for this season anyway), and after leaving Tenacatita Bay, we landed in Bahía de Chamela and the associated little town …
Continue readingBahía Tenacatita y La Manzanilla

After nearly 3 weeks in Barra de Navidad (which we love, love, loved), we decided to spend some time with Jenn and Jason of S/V Danika at the cruiser’s mecca that is Tenacatita Bay. This big, …
Continue readingChacala, Nayarit

Chacala (21 09 72N 105 13 56W) Environmental conditions: Chilly-ish in the evenings (perfect for sleeping), dreamy during the day; water temp perfecto, but some jellies! Fridge temp: Perfect Battery state: 13.2V (i.e., perfect) Euchre …
Continue readingCrossing the Sea to San Blas, Nayarit

San Blas, Nayarit (21 30 80N 105 14 29W); Capitol of the Jejene (no-see-ums; read: Bitey!) Environmental conditions: Chilly-ish on the crossing; lovely in San Blas (but buggy!) Fridge temp: Perfect Battery state: 13.2V (i.e., …
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