Spending Thanksgiving in the States meant not going home for Christmas due to travel expenses and logistics of leaving da boat again so soon. Our consolation was that Thad and Kristin of She’s No Lady …
Continue readingYear: 2017
Back Down The Baja: Puerto Esco to La Paz

Entering our second year of cruising found us back in Puerto Escondido (after a month in the U.S.), rubbing elbows with a handful of cruisers who are in love with this area (and looking around, …
Continue readingUn Mes en los Estados Unidos

Ah home…so much to love about going home to the U.S., and yet so much weirdness going on there that we feel somewhat relieved to be living in Mexico right now. What’s to love about …
Continue readingBack Down The Baja: Destination Puerto Esco

We knew our time in Bahía de los Ángeles had to come to an end at some point, and we had a plane to catch at the end of October out of Loreto, so off …
Continue readingJerry Loses a Bet, or A Year of Cruising in the Books

Yeah, so, when we were in the throes of prepping for our departure into the big blue yonder, my dearest and only brother, Jerry, bet that I wouldn’t make it a year away from family …
Continue readingBye-bye Bahía de los Ángeles

Wow. Is it fall already? How did that happen? Seems like yesterday we were contemplating how to beat the heat up in Bahía de los Ángeles and now, all of a sudden, we’re down south …
Continue readingLidia Oh Lidia – Updated!

We got our first taste of the storm season with Tropical Storm Lidia in late-August/early-September. The communication among cruisers in the Sea of Cortez relative to weather is impressive. There are a couple of radio …
Continue readingA BIG Visitor!

There aren’t really sufficient words to describe this experience. Just watch the video – all one long shot. Pretty astonishing. We’ll be adding more to this post eventually, but wanted to publish this so all …
Continue readingSummertime Hots – Sta Rosalía to BLA

Well, we’re midway through August already and the word amongst cruisers is that this summer is unseasonably cool compared to summers past – thankfully! We feel bad for S/V Adventurer who must have been in …
Continue readingHoly Chubasco…

…and our love affair with our ground tackle. Chubascos are a summer season weather phenomenon here in the Sea of Cortez (lucky us) that are associated with the monsoonal t-storm activity. These storm cells typically …
Continue reading“Chasing Summer” – La Paz to Santa Rosalía

Thanks, Jenn and Jas, for the tag line! It truly feels like that’s what we’re doing right now. Actually, it may be more accurate to say, “fleeing summer heat!” But beyond the heat, our little …
Continue readingLa Marina del Palmar

Don’t let the name fool you. It’s a marina, but it’s also a boat yard. As boat yards go, it was tidy and relatively quiet, which was expected in late June, and the bathrooms were …
Continue readingTo San Diego and Back to La Paz

Ahhh, home. We won’t be back again until November because we’re feeling the need to be with da boat during the tropical storm season. Hence, we had to enjoy ourselves to the max while in …
Continue readingTribute to Ry

Ok, so you’ve all been seeing these blog posts over the past few months with this guy, Ryan, featured prominently. He’s a dear friend who lived in the same marina back in San Diego, until …
Continue readingTo the WCM Rally and Back Again

Photo credit: Lowell aboard S/V Gato Loco captured us under the pretty sail After our quick trip to Todos Santos, we had to beat feet to make it to the West Coast Multihulls (WCM) Baja …
Continue readingRoad Trip to Todos Santos

You may recall that we’ve spent a fair amount of time hangin’ around with Tom and Barb aboard S/V Ellie while here in Mexico. What you may not know is that we knew them back in …
Continue readingFirst Mate Musings Thus Far

Well, we’ve been out for about 7 months, and time seems to have sped up. They say it slows down when you’re out cruising, but so far I haven’t found that to be the case. …
Continue readingShenanigans in La Paz

Ah, La Paz. We fell in love with La Paz almost immediately (just after we anchored in massive current and coromuel winds). It is a big-ish city, but it doesn’t feel that big, until you …
Continue readingPuerto Balandra y Caleta Lobos

Again we were blessed with stunningly blue, blue water (see Ensenada de Los Muertos y Playa La Bonanza)! And again, it was not THAT warm, but warm enough to get in and do some amazing snorkeling …
Continue readingEnsenada de Los Muertos y Playa La Bonanza

Well, it was time to leave the mainland and head back over to “the Baja.” The Advance Team (i.e., She’s No Lady) took off from El Cid in Mazatlán about 9 hours ahead of us, …
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