Bahía San Bartolome (Turtle Bay; 27 41 26N 114 53 34W) Environmental conditions: Air and water temp getting there. Swimming and cruiser showers a must. Fridge temp: Perfect Battery state: 13.2V (i.e., perfect) Euchre score: …
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Crossing to Isla Cedros

Isla Cedros (28 09 89N 115 09 32W) Environmental conditions: Air and water temp almost perfect; could have been a tad bit warmer. Still enjoyed the water play! Fridge temp: Perfect Battery state: 13.2V (i.e., …
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Punta Baja (29 57 206N 115 48 138W) Environmental conditions: Air and water temp cold, but Rand had to take cruiser shower (brrr) to clean the bonito off (haha!). Fridge temp: Perfect Battery state: 13.2V …
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Bahía San Quintín (~30 22 40N 115 57 55W) Environmental conditions: Air and water temp cold, but cruiser showers a must (brrrr). Fridge temp: Perfect Battery state: 13.2V (i.e., perfect) We departed Punta Colonet at …
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Punta Colonet (30 57 40N 116 17 23W) or as some guide books have it, Colnett Environmental conditions: Air and water temp too cold to do anything. Fridge temp: Perfect Battery state: 13.2V (i.e., perfect) …
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And So It Begins: Ensenada (31 50 39N 116 38 03W) y Isla Todos Santos (31 45 69N 116 45 56W) Environmental conditions: Hot in Cruiseport, but too nasty to swim in the marina. At …
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Before we get to the goings-on in Mexico, we should provide a quick wrap-up of our time in San Diego. You guessed it, more parties! Jody’s work mates in Carlsbad arranged a pizza and beer …
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Quit job: Check Check things off “Do Now” list: Check Going away parties: Check (well, two more to come!) See as many friends/family as possible: Check Aaaaannnd, we’re exhausted. Several things got done since our …
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